September signals the end of summer freedom, light evenings and warmth; the start of a new season which embraces falling leaves, a drop in temperatures and cosier nights. Time to dig out those chunky knits and boots, and goodbye to the sandals and shorts!
For me, this is my birthday month and a period in which I like to take a step back and re-assess what I’ve done over the past 9 months, with a view to making the most of the last quarter of the year. I treat it as a ‘spring (autumn) clean’, throwing away things in my flat or wardrobe which I see as being irrelevant or out of date, clearing the cupboards and making room for new, fresh things in my life.
For many with younger ones, this month also means it’s ‘back to school’ and a return to the weekday routine. You may have been on holiday over summer and now it’s time to get back into the cycle of commuting and work. Does that thought fill you with dread? Fear not, in collaboration with Alive!, read on for my top tips for getting back into the swing of things which I hope will motivate and inspire you!

Get organised
Life can easily take over, but planning elements of your daily routine can really help to keep on top of things while also saving you time in the long-run. On a Sunday evening, draw up a rough plan of the week: after work/school arrangements, outline a meal plan and shopping list (making extra so you have leftovers for lunch the next day), perhaps set yourself some fitness/lifestyle/work goals.
I personally like to do this so when it comes to the middle of the week, I can see how I’m doing, what I’ve already ticked off (it’s a great feeling!) and have direction for the remainder of the next few days. While it’s great to be organised, don’t forget to be spontaneous too and say yes to unexpected plans – life is too short to plan EVERYTHING!
Boost your vitamins
At this time of year colds can creep up on us, making it even more important to up those vitamins. This is where taking supplements like Alive! Women’s Energy Soft Jells can help your body to fight against the lurgies and also to support other crucial health functions such as bone maintenance, healthy skin and hair, energy levels and fertility. What’s great about these female-focused Jells is that they tick all of these boxes, so by incorporating them into your daily routine you’ll be fighting fit and buzzing with energy!
Spend time outdoors
Something that is hugely important to me is getting outdoors for at least 30 minutes every day, no matter what the weather. As the nights and mornings draw in and it gets colder at this time of year it can be tempting to stay indoors, but trust me, your mind and body will thank you for it!
Whether you walk the dog in the morning, get out on your lunch break, or take the kids to the park before dinner, burn off some energy and clear your head. If we’re lucky enough to get some autumn sunshine, this can really boost our Vitamin D levels and put a smile on our faces.
Embrace everything seasonal
From food to clothes, go with the seasons and make the most of new produce hitting the shops. September is the season for school uniforms, winter coats, boots… When it comes to fruit and vegetables we are spoilt for choice with bountiful offerings, so be sure to include some of these seasonal ingredients in your food shop:
- Apples
- Aubergines
- Beetroot
- Butternut squash and pumpkin
- Cabbage
- Fennel
- Figs
- Pears
- Plums
- Raspberries
- Rocket
- Sweetcorn
- Watercress
Not only are they richer in vitamins and minerals at their prime time of being harvested, but there are likely to be some good deals on offer so keep your eyes out!
‘Healthify’ comfort food
At this time of year we begin to crave stodgier, warmer foods….But this doesn’t have to mean stuffing our faces with unhealthy things.
A humble bowl of steaming porridge made with oats, skimmed milk, cinnamon and a dash of honey topped with fruit and nuts is an ideal way to start the day and keep you full until lunch time. Homemade soup doesn’t get much easier than whizzing up cooked veggies, herbs and spices – even pulses or cooked meat to add more protein – and heating it up for a satisfying lunch, while for dinner a vegetable-packed stew, casserole or risotto is sure to hit the spot. Dessert? Make a crumble with fresh fruit and a topping of oats, coconut oil, coconut sugar and nuts and bake until crisp – the ideal autumn pudding!
Take time for yourself every day
Finally, be sure to spend just 10 minutes at some point in the day away from everything. Whether that be meditation, yoga, reading, a soak in the bath, listening to music or going for a run, giving yourself a mini break and taking some ‘me’ time is important for your mindset and wellbeing. You’ll feel refreshed and re-charged, ready to tackle whatever the weekdays throw at you!
Have YOU got any tips for getting back into your routine now summer has ended? Tweet me, I’d love to know!